content repository 内容仓库; 内容存储仓库
Content Repository Management System 教材库管理系统
JAF Java Activation Framework Java 启动框架
Java Coprocessor Java 协同处理器
Java runtime system (JRTS) Java 运行时间系统
java standard library java 标准库
Java Virtual Machine Java 虚拟机器
JDK Java Development Kit Java 语言开发工具包
content and content uniformity determination 含量及含量均匀度测定
Content of nucleic acid content 核酸含量
corresponding content of a content token 内容符记的对应内容
integration between traditional content and modern content 传统内容与现代内容相结合
Oil content and Protein content 脂肪和蛋白质含量
raise the iron content and reduce the sulphur content 提铁降硫
silicon content in molten iron content 铁水硅含量
the product of carbon content and oxygen content 碳氧积
the ratio of reducing sugar content and total acid content 糖酸比
a Java-based implementation of the FP-growth algor FP-growth算法的Java实现
applet java 的程序